
Thursday, July 29, 2010

My surgery and stuff

Tuesday was the surgery and it went well according to the doctors.  One of my teeth did have to come out though, one next to my gap, but not the middle tooth.  The tooth had no bone so the bone graft wouldn't have set there.  I'm not terribly surprised though.  As I recall, and mom confirmed this. The tooth didn't grow in itself.  A hole had to be cut into my gums and a bracket from the braces attached to pull the tooth down.  Owell, it was an ugly tooth anyway.

There was one complication during the surgery though, with anesthesia.  When they put the tube in my nose it hit my pharyngeal flap and got stuck.  The doctor couldn't see the tube and called in the ENT to scope me.  He saw some trauma to the pharyngeal flap, but not damage.  They had to intubate me through the mouth and I have a sore throat from it.

Some wacky observations:
I remember being moved from one table to a stretcher after surgery
I was in very little pain for the first few hours after surgery
I'm not in nearly as much pain as last time and that makes a big difference
I'm not very swollen in the face, though that has gotten worse over time.

Well I have lots more to say, but I'm tired so it will have to wait until later.

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