
Monday, March 22, 2010

A gross story, but it's almost funny 2 days later

You have been warned... But I think it's an interesting story if you want to know what it's like to have a palate expander.

I used to go to a place at a local mall that does messages on message tables. I went once after my surgery and with the trouble swallowing and laying on my stomach it was hard to keep the saliva in my mouth for 10 minutes, but I was able to do it. I hadn't been there since the surgery since my face was swollen and stuff and this week I thought I would give it a try, big mistake.

So I go and ask for a 10 minute message. A few minutes in the saliva in my mouth in building up and eventually I end up drooling through the hole in the table. Opps. But I feel a little better. Eventually I try to lift my head a bit to slurp up the saliva and swallow it. Another big mistake. It seemed to have pushed the saliva into my sinuses (not hard to do with the hole in the roof of my mouth.) So now it just dripped out of my nose uncontrollably. It was gross and I totally couldn't stop it. Think of a couple minutes of saliva dripping out of your nose...

I wont be going back there anytime soon, and I wont be getting a message while laying on my stomach either. I wonder if I can do one of those funky chairs?

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