
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I can't take the drama in my head

Years ago I took the Landmark Forum, part of Landmark Education. The short story is that it's a life improvement class, though that makes it sound really cheesy, it is much more then that. One of the lessons in it is about how your brain and mind are always thinking and talking to you. Too bad they don't tell you how to shut it up. They just tell you that it's stuff your mind makes up.

Well my mind wont stop talking and creating all this drama. I mentioned in my last post that I am considering staying at my parents house right after my surgery, and I'm 99% sure I'll do that, I just don't think I'll be able to handle icing my face that first day. I'm thinking this might end up being a good opportunity to listen to podcasts and cheesy movies I know every line to (but I wont mention any names). Today my Dad mentioned me staying for a couple days, WHAT, put the breaks on, who said a couple days? I was hoping to get out within 24 hours!

I'll have to admit that I personally don't enjoy spending large amounts of time with my parents simply because when they are together they fight non-stop. I can't deal with it... But also there is the whole, I'm sick I want my bed, and my couch and my stuff... I've been completely out of my house for 2 and a half years (mostly out for another 3 years before that.) It's my childhood home, but not my home. I love my little apartment, it's warm and fuzzy and has my stuff in it. That's where I want to be when I'm sick, even when I'm moaning I want my Mommy.

In the end I know I'll figure it out as I go and at some point I'll simply demand to go home, my Dad will comply and my Mom will probably yell at me. But in the meantime why can't I stop the fight in my head about how long I have to stay?

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